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pointed arch中文是什么意思

用"pointed arch"造句"pointed arch"怎么读"pointed arch" in a sentence"pointed arch"的同义词


  • 哥德式拱
  • 哥特式拱
  • 尖拱


  • The big pointed arch windows on 2nd floor are set in a line and adopt the symbol of 大 卫星 which is unique to rabbinic religion
  • Gothic : a style of architecture originated in n . france in 11th century , it ' s common in western europe in the 12th to 16th century , characterized by pointed arches , clusters of columns , etc
  • The cathedral is the most impressive example of the gothic style , characterized by pointed arches and flying butresses . notre dame cathedral was seminal in the evolution of the french gothic style
  • The saxon architect completed the erection of the first pillars of the nave , when the pointed arch , which dates from the crusade , arrived and placed itself as a conqueror upon the large romanesque capitals which should support only round arches
  • Whether there is damage in composite material or not is determined by four methods : the damage detection method based on extreme value theory , the damage detection method based on ellipse technique , the damage detection method based on four points arch technique and the damage detection method based on nerve net
用"pointed arch"造句  


  • an arch with a pointed apex; characteristic of Gothic architecture

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